welcome to apm !


Remembering the Fiat G-50 bis "Freccia"

Fiat G-50bis "Freccia" - Special Hobby kit 1/32 scale model

Focke Wulf Fw 190 A/6 Border model kit 1/35 scale model:
Version: 3 JG/-1 "Oesau" Yellow 5 (unknown pilot) Deelen (Netherlands) October 1943 - Not included in the kit !


Coming soon !

Hawker Typhoon Mk Ib - Airfix kit 1/24 scale model

Focke Wulf 190 A/4

MWP : "It seems of metal because it's of metal"

Tom anyz tools

APM Forum :

McDonnel Douglas (Boeing) F/A 18 E - Trumpeter kit 1/32 scale model - shot from the w.i.p.
McDonnel Douglas (Boeing) F/A 18 E - Trumpeter kit 1/32 scale model - shot from the w.i.p.

FB Main page :

APM  FB Group :

MWP Project: MIRAGE IIIc ..............ça va sans dire.! SPA 94 "Mort qui fauche" ECT02/ 002 côte d'or Dijon-Longvic 1970 -Italeri kit 1/32 scale model
MWP Project: MIRAGE IIIc ..............ça va sans dire.! SPA 94 "Mort qui fauche" ECT02/ 002 côte d'or Dijon-Longvic 1970 -Italeri kit 1/32 scale model

APM FB page :

Messerschmitt Me 109 K-4 - Trumpeter kit 1/24 scale model (shot from my album)
Messerschmitt Me 109 K-4 - Trumpeter kit 1/24 scale model (shot from my album)

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e ricordati che, mentre un'avventura giunge al termine ,  un'altra  sta per cominciare ed il cuore di Erika, ....................batte più  forte !

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Per favore, sostienici con una tua donazione ora.Grazie.